
Lotus Tea

Since, childhood Ms. Khangembam Raina D/O Khangembam Ibchouba Singh and Thingnam Purnandi Devi of Keishampat Keisam Leikai, Imphal Manipur having an engineering qualification, learnt from her parents that Manipur have been blessed with a lots of nutritious herbs with lots of medicinal properties. Since then, she has a passion of collecting, preserving, researching and experimenting various herbs (eg lotus, tulsi, bhubati, chives known as maroi nakkuppi, gooseberry, pineapple, neem, turmeric, ginger, etc.).  Lotus is one of the most intriguing herb which she is very passionate about. Her forefathers have been using it for many health benefits.

During the festival of Kang (Rath-Yatra) as a child her mother always gave her the flower offered to Lord Jaganath, they would eat the stigma/Lotus saffron (known as Leirit in Manipuri, Kamal Kesar in Hindi), Lotus seeds (known as Thamchet in Manipuri) and also Khichadi wrapped in lotus leaves (known as thamna in Manipuri) gives its own aroma to the khichdi and enhance its flavour.

We can have lotus tea either from fresh lotus flower or dried lotus flower, lotus leaves (Thamna, especially the tender leaves, known as thamna likon in Manipuri), lotus root (Thambou in Manipuri), etc.

Then she happen to go through a deep study of the Lotus. She came across the primitive ways of using lotus as a potion, especially the Lotus 108 (Thambal Chammanipal). It is deeply connected with the rituals in Manipur. In her studies she happen to find different parts of Lotus is edible and from its stems special thread can be produced.
In order to help people get benefits of lotus, she came up with the idea of Lotus tea especially the lotuses grown naturally and organically in the lakes of Manipur which is far from pollution. She personally and her family have been taking this tea for quite sometimes say for about 3 years and it has helped us a lots to combat various health issues. She wants to share this Lotus tea of Manipur with the global world.
In Buddhism the lotus represents purity of the body, speech and mind.
In Egypt lotus flowers represent rebirth in the afterlife.
And in India the flower petals represent the elements of the earth.
In Manipur, there are lots of Lotus plants, but this specific variety lotus 108 (Thambal chammanipal) is more potent and fragrant than other variety of Lotuses found. The locals near the Loktak Lake (Largest Fresh Water Lake) especially the red Lotus 108, believe this particular variety of Lotus 108 (Thambal chammanipal) was sent by Gods through a bird dropping the seeds in the Lake.

Apart from the above mentioned lotus, another variety of water lily commonly known as Egyptian Blue Lotus is also widely available in Manipur. It is very fragrant and potent flower. We have also been using this tea for the last few years.
All the Lotuses found in Manipur have their own unique aromas, tastes and very nutritious. So, the Lotus tea was prepared in such a way to retain its nutritive values without any additives and preservatives.

Lotus Flower Tea (White and Red)

Lotus 108 dried (Thambal Chamanipal, White)
Lotus 108 dried (Thambal Chamanipal, White)

Benefits of Lotus Flower tea (White and Red):

  1. It lowers Cholesterol.
  2. It is a good Stress buster, it relaxes muscles, sedative, soothing, gives a peaceful feeling, helps with anxiety and enhances good sleep.
  3. Lotus flower tea helps with cramps, gas, diarrhea, lowers stomach acid, soothes away inflammation and also help with gastric ulcer.
  4. It helps improve fertility in both men and women.
  5. It reduces blood flow in women who have heavy periods.
  6. It is good for skin.
  7. It contain Vitamin C (which is a string antioxidant) which is a powerful antioxidant helping to keep away diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even cancer.
  8. It also contains B – Vitamins which improves mood, vitality and fertility in both men and women.
  9. It contains iron which is important for anemia.
  10. It also contains phosphorus which boost bone health.
  11. Linoleic acid in lotus flower helps in preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, weight loss, and boosting your immune system.

Lotus 108 (Thambal Chamanipal, White)

Lotus 108 dried (Thambal Chamanipal, White)

Blue lotus tea (Nymphaea caerulea) Benefits:

  1. Its collagen promotes glowing and vibrant skin and also provides skin elasticity.
  2. It helps build muscle and burn fat.
  3. It helps in reducing cellulite.
  4. It is high in vitamin B and does promote deep relaxation.
  5. It is high in potassium and helps maintain healthy blood sugar level.
  6. It helps to maintain healthy digestive function.
  7. It contains iron and copper and thus improves blood circulation and increase energy level.
  8. It contains zinc which pair up with vitamin B6 and thus improves mental function.
  9. It eases menstrual cramps.
  10. Regulates period.
  11. Helps in stomach issues like diarrhea, dysentery, and constipation.
  12. Improves mental power.
  13. Promotes good mood in depressed person.
  14. Reduces pain and a good stress buster as it relaxes muscles, sedative, soothing, reduces headache, gives a peaceful feeling, helps with anxiety and enhances good sleep.
  15. Regulates urinary system.

Benefits of Lotus –Ginger Tea & Honey Tea:

  1. It lowers Cholesterol.
  2. It is a good Stress buster, it relaxes muscles, sedative, soothing, gives a peaceful feeling, helps with anxiety and enhances good sleep.
  3. Lotus flower tea helps with cramps, gas, diarrhea, lowers stomach acid, soothes away inflammation and also help with gastric ulcer.
  4. It helps improve fertility in both men and women.
  5. It reduces blood flow in women who have heavy periods.
  6. It is good for skin.
  7. It contain Vitamin C (which is a string antioxidant) which is a powerful antioxidant helping to keep away diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even cancer.
  8. It also contains B – Vitamins which improves mood, vitality and fertility in both men and women.
  9. It contains iron which is important for anemia.
  10. It also contains phosphorus which boost bone health.
  11. Linoleic acid in lotus flower helps in preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, weight loss, and boosting your immune system
  12. Anti-nausea and aid digestion

Benefits of Lotus Lemongrass tea:

  1. It lowers Cholesterol.
  2. It is a good Stress buster, it relaxes muscles, sedative, soothing, gives a peaceful feeling, helps with anxiety and enhances good sleep.
  3. Lotus flower tea helps with cramps, gas, diarrhea, lowers stomach acid, soothes away inflammation and also help with gastric ulcer.
  4. It helps improve fertility in both men and women.
  5. It reduces blood flow in women who have heavy periods.
  6. It is good for skin.
  7. It contain Vitamin C (which is a string antioxidant) which is a powerful antioxidant helping to keep away diseases such as cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even cancer.
  8. It also contains B – Vitamins which improves mood, vitality and fertility in both men and women.
  9. It contains iron which is important for anemia.
  10. It also contains phosphorus which boost bone health.
  11. Linoleic acid in lotus flower helps in preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, weight loss, and boosting your immune system
  12. It has anti microbial properties
  13. It promotes healthy digestion